The Content Mines
The Content Mines
How A 12-Year-Old Furry Destroyed The Scots Wikipedia

How A 12-Year-Old Furry Destroyed The Scots Wikipedia

Luke and Ryan canceled their plans for an episode on QAnon this week because another story had come to light that required their attention: The teenage furry who spent seven years filling up the Scots-language Wikipedia with gibberish. This is a BIG episode and there is a lot in it. They talk about linguistics, Scottish history, colonialism, the brony-to-furry pipeline, the physical effects of drinking too much Buckfast, and also read off some of the greats Scottish tweets of all time. Buckle up, folks.

The Content Mines
The Content Mines
We talk about content. How it's made. Why it's good. Why it's very bad. Sorry in advance for the British bits.