The Content Mines
The Content Mines
Why Is Facebook Full Of Katie Couric CBD Scams?

Why Is Facebook Full Of Katie Couric CBD Scams?


This week is probably our weirdest and most confusing rabbit hole ever. We looked into why Facebook is full of posts claiming that Katie Couric has met some kind of “tragic end” and why they’re all advertising CBD gummies. We think we figured out how it happened, but it was a real rats nest. We also continue to analyze the info war surrounding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


The Zelensky rap video

Taylor Lorenz’s Katie Couric thread

The fake Daily Mail store URL that’s hosting a fake NBC News article

The Get Huuman store

The FTC complaint against Kushly

The weird SF Weekly post

The weird Jerusalem Post post

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The Content Mines
The Content Mines
We talk about content. How it's made. Why it's good. Why it's very bad. Sorry in advance for the British bits.